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Hangzhou Shenle Technology Co., Ltd

All Products >> HY-60

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saudi incinerator magnetic pyrolysis carbonization
saudi incinerator magnetic pyrolysis carbonization
Specification: HY-60
Detail: Saudi incinerator Magnetic pyrolysis carbonization furnace Magnetism decomposes organic matter in the unknown world, Exhaust temperature 40-80 degrees Celsius, Internal temperature 40-380 degrees Celsius, Organic matter is...

magnetic garbage incinerator
magnetic garbage incinerator
Specification: HY-60
Detail: Magnetic garbage incinerator Garbage incinerator, through the air, of the magnetic fields produce oxygen enriched air, trace oxygen enriched air is absorbed by the carbon material, carbon can gather, the formation of thermal ...

waste incinerator
waste incinerator
Specification: HY-60
Detail: Waste incinerator, using the magnetic field through the air, to produce oxygen enriched air, trace oxygen enriched air is absorbed by the carbon material, carbon can gather, the formation of thermal diffusion, vaporization, he...
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